(ku)jenga project
walijenga, tunajenga, mtajenga...
(Ku)jenga means to build in kiswhali.
This project is the design of a a new construction to replace a collapsed residential building inside Stone Town in a World Heritage context. A place where the traditional skills but also contemporary techniques could be transmitted, learnt, debated, defended or promoted, the project aspires to become a starting point in the process of awareness concerning the preservation and sustainability of local knowledge and built heritage, a place to enhance the rich know-how and traditions with which the master craftsmen shaped the city and with which they still continue to do it. Acting as a platform to create a network, a forum to bring together into dialogue the different stakeholders that create the built environment of Stone Town in a succession of isolated initiatives, the building should be the enveloppe allowing the link between generations, the connection of the different stakeholders that create the vitality of the town: local inhabitants, students, people wishing to enter the construction industry, craftmen, builders and visitors. A place that allows the exchange of knowledge, ideas, visions. A place that acts as a virtual library where students could create contacts with the professional world and where craftmen could promote their activities on their own behalf. A place to learn about yesterday and imagine tomorrow. A place to talk about the past in order to build the future. A place to collect memories as well as to create new ones.
The new building hosts an exhibition space opened to everybody, a workshop, a library and other educational facilities, management offices and includes accommodation in case of workshops or specific conferences as well as a roof terrace for recreation, including a common kitchen.
designing in a World Heritage siteWe believe that the continuity of history, tradition and culture, comes from the people. In the case of Stone Town, we came across with the importance of the link between the past and the future. And, we recognize that the inhabitants should be the ones that will influence and set the conditions for their future.
Therefore, the new story of Stone Town requires opportunities to motivate and encourage the local community.
Full booklet: