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A as Amélie, a young French architect who glimpsed into the world of Ar(t)chitecture by first studying Applied Arts and Space Design and then entering in the Brittany School of Architecture in Rennes, France. Along this path, she discovered that an architectural project is similar to an art project: created by and for people, it generates emotions and sensations in a different scale. Then, graduated as architect by Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden by following the master program Design for Sustainable Development, she seized the opportunity to enlarge her vision and acquired technical and valuable knowledge to now be able to address larger challenges. 

A as Alexandra, a young Greek architect who grew up influenced by an artistic environment, bathed in the music of her mother, guitarist, and the drawings of his father, graphic designer. It is naturally that she fall in the artistic and creative path. From her childhood emerged this idea of being someone who will create things with her hands. With a solid background in hand drawings, she studied Architecture and Engineering in Democritus University of Thrace in Greece, then she completed her study by following, in Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, the master program Design for Sustainable Development adding new values to her background and an opening to international challenges. 

AforA as the Association of these two young architects begun in Sweden (and continuing since then), led by a common vision about architecture. An encounter tinted first by the same love for the creative process, the feeling of a pencil on a paper where appears the first conceptual drawings or the cutter as main tool to question the shape through the elaboration of several models. A collaboration then drived by the complementarity of their backgrounds attention to details, first elements encountered by a consideration for the structure as the skeleton of the concept.

And last, A as Architecture, our Architecture, our vision and its attempt to define it.

All images and media © 2014-2015 AforA architects. All Rights Reserved.

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